In today's economy, negotiating investments and financial opportunities can be tricky to say the least. MAJESTYK Mining LLC offers an opportunity for those interested, to become a Seed Capital Member and receive interest returned for the mining ventures we partner with and the claims we mine and profit on. Like our business model, everyone working the mine is treated as a mining partner. Our corporate board members receive no compensation, but everyone that works for MAJESTYK Mining LLC on contract, does receive both a set salary and an equal bonus every payout quarter. Capital Seed Members share equaly with the mining partners.

The first payout quarter is April 1st, 2023. Seed Capital Members start receiving returns of interest plus 10% of the principal borrowed following the first two full quarters of seed capital funds received that were seeded into MAJESTYK Mining LLC. Dollars of profit will vary quarter to quarter. However, the amount is split up by parts equal to the amount loaned as a percentage. Payouts continue even after the principal seeded to MAJESTYK Mining LLC is entirely returned to the Seed Capital Member, this continues until one of two events occur:

 1) The amount of interest returned equals 900% 


2) Three years (consisting of an additional 12 quarterly payouts) have past since the principal was paid back in full

 Typically, the minimum amount of seed capital in order to become a Seed Capital Member is $30,000  USD, however MAJESTYK Mining Partners have all agreed to allow smaller amounts for a select few numbers of Seed Capital Members who request. 

We will accept $2,500.00 USD for the first 5 people that ask for that opportunity (Copper Members). Then we will increase the minimum to $5,000 for the next 5 people that ask for that opportunity (Iron Members). We will then accept $10,000 for another 13 people that ask for that opportunity (Silver Members). This 23 number is the ultimate number of Mining Partners we will have as a company, so we believe in offering an opportunity to that number of people equal to our number of mining folks who may want to partake of the opportunity but lack the means to liquidate $30k into one venture. 

Since June of 2022 and to date, MAJESTYK has been seeded more than $600,000 and will ultimately only accept $1,900,000 more in funds from seeded capital for all of our current projects. The timing for this opportunity to become a Seed Capital Member will expire after the funds are raised as shown above.

 MAJESTYK Reclama and MAJESTYK Homes are registered companies intended to be 503C, not for profit companies, affiliated with MAJESTYK. Please look for links to them as these companies will look to reclaim Arizona from the desert, from wasted mine dumps and build ecologically sound homes for any who are interested in participating in making Arizona green again.  If you want to pledge or donate to MAJESTYK Homes or Reclama, please let us know.

 Contact us if you have questions or have decided to seed funds into MAJESTYK Mining LLC.