MAJESTYK Karma Mine is a collection of four placer claims near Mayer, Arizona in the Bradshaw Mountains. Karma contains well over 150,000 tons of ore stockpiles and tailings from mining operations that ran beginning in the late 1880's to about 1920. Later, small operators made attempts at mining the area but no serious operations have taken place in about 100 years. The ore on Karma is heavily laden with minerals. Estimates on Karma average from .23 to .78 ounces per ton of AU and roughly 20 times that amount in AG. This consists of total rock in the vicinity. Choice samples collected in a three ton sample contained concentrations in excess of 5 ounces per ton.


Assays for verification of values have been taken and are pending, submitted in October 2022. Platinum and palladium along with lead, copper, molybdenum and other elements contained in sulfides and oxides examined in assay. The point is to assess the total value of the heavy minerals to remove from any potential groundwater runoff and restore using permaculture, areas that contain little growth today due to the lack of biodiversity in soils.


MAJESTYK Mining has submitted its plan of operations for review with the Arizona  field office for processing of 50 tons per day to use for swales in conjunction with permaculture. The reclamation of Karma should begin in earnest by spring 2023, restoring the Turkey Creek area to clean, green shade areas and significantly improved growth. The plan will take between 2 to 5 years to complete.
